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Business Entities | Trust Attorney Las Vegas

Trust Attorney Las Vegas | Attorney Interviewed Here?

Right. Hello and welcome to the trusted podcast. I’m your host, Blake Johnson, and we are a podcast that talks about all things involve trusting others, especially attorneys. And today we’re pleased to have with us a personal injury attorney, Trevor warm out of Arizona. And we’re going to talk about what kind of things you need to look for for trusting a personal injury attorney as well as Trust Attorney Las Vegas how you can help protect yourself from liability and also what to do if you do get into an accident. So we’ve got a lot to cover today. So let’s get right into it. Trevor. Thanks for being on the show.

Like thanks for having me.

Awesome. So, um, I think the first question that we want to start with is, um, what, what types, let’s start with, you know, there’s a broad range of different personal injury cases. So can you just give us, um, you know, a brief overview of different types of cases that people could have as far as personal injury is concerned?

Yeah. So the most common ones are car accidents, dog bites, uh, when people are injured on someone’s property, whether it be a residential or a commercial property. Um, those are, those are the most routine ones. Then you have your, your malpractice claims. If it’s against a doctor, it’s medical malpractice. There’s even claims against the lawyers as for legal malpractice and there’s other sorts of malpractice claims. Um, they can be against an accountant or an insurance agent, but those are the most routine types of injury like cases. There’s others, but those are the most routine ones.

Okay. So next question is then how do you determine whether a case is worth pursuing and how, um, how you can collect on those?

Yeah, so they’re usually worth pursuing in the sense that if you were injured, um, there’s, you have a case, but the, the big question really becomes is, well, how much is it worth? And then where’s the money coming from so to speak? So, so to get that answer, um, out, maybe we can get that rule at first with, um, settling. What is kind of a common misconception. And this happens all the time when I meet with clients. So, so people think that all injury cases are created equal, so to speak, and that there’s just this unlimited pool of money from which to draw to, to make them whole again or to compensate them for their injuries. But, um, there’s two things you have to understand. First is an injury case can be worth a different amount depending on the type of injury and the type of person involved.

So, so you have what is one’s case value. Um, so for example, in a routine car crash, um, one’s case value or the amount of medical bills plus whatever income they may have lost because of those injuries. And then this very squishy, nebulous category called pain and suffering. And that’s different for everybody. So the example I like to use as if I’m a world-class figure skater, you know, fractures and ankle as a result of the car crash, that case is worth a whole lot more than say, you know, even a very wealthy businessmen who fractures an ankle, but he sits at a desk all day. It’s really not that big of a deal for him. Right? Um, that’s not to say that the fractured ankle alone with the medical bills, uh, and the fractured ankle itself aren’t worth, you know, a, a sizeable amount. But for the world-class figure skater, that person’s pain and suffering, like I said, because it’s a very nebulous category, a is worth a tremendous amount more so, so you have what the cases worth and then you have what money is available to you from that case.

So the first layer of recovery is most often some insurance coverage, right? And then oftentimes, um, the amount of insurance is more than the value of your case. So for example, if you’re rear-ended by a Walmart semi-truck, but you only suffer a very minor, you know, neck injury, you heal up after a few weeks, right? So you’ve got a case that’s worth, you know, maybe a few thousand bucks, but the amount of insurance available to you is going to be, you know, tremendous. You’re going to have, you know, millions of dollars of insurance available to you, right? The alternative can also be true, which for example, if you’re rebutted instead by someone you know who has a minimal liability policy, which in Arizona is only $50,000, but you know, you’re paralyzed from the waist down, then you have an injury that is worth a whole heck of a lot more than the amount of money available to you, at least via insurance.

All right? And that’s the harsh reality of it. And no one likes to really internalize that, but you know, I can go all day long to court and get a judgment for a half a million dollars or whatever the case is worth. And the judge can say, Hey, here’s your piece of paper. They’ll go collect it. But if there’s no money from which to collect it, then you know, unfortunately there’s just, that’s kind of the, the end of the road Trust Attorney Las Vegas. So to answer your question, as a lawyer, you know, the decision whether a case is worth it, it’s usually worth it to, to pursue a claim because there’s usually a first layer of insurance, you know, anything above and beyond that. We can get into that. Meaning when you decide to go after somebody personally or what other, um, sources of recovery there might be. Um, but on balance, that’s, that’s how that works.

All right. Awesome. So, yeah, I think you brought up a good point. So let’s talk about, um, you know, things that people can do to reduce liability and also, you know, what kind of protections do, uh, or, or different vehicles, um, meaning vehicles, meaning you know, entities or, uh, trusts or those kinds of things and that are available to people to protect themselves or that you’ve seen that have been able to protect other people from the liability of these lawsuits.

Yeah. So, um, to parcel out some of those questions, maybe the first being, at what point does it make sense to even go after somebody personally? And the answer to that and going back to the previous, um, question is when your case is worth more than what insurance they have. So for example, we, um, have that, you know, that example of somebody who’s paralyzed from the waist down, but as head or injured by somebody who only has a $15,000 policy. Obviously $15,000 is insufficient to cover the amount or value of their damages, right? So then the question becomes as well, what’s the next source of recovery? And the next source of recovery is always the person who’s responsible for the crash. Personally, are they a person of, you know, substantial assets? Are they someone who’s worth collecting? We’d like to say deep pockets, right? And that’s something that you hear quite often.

So, um, you know, someone who works as a retail sales associate, you know, as barely scraping by to pay rent and has a couple of hundred bucks in the bank, you know, they’re, they’re not one that we would typically consider collectible, right? But you know, let’s say someone who has their house paid off, maybe they have a few rental properties, a boat, you know, a few cars, they’ve got some stocks and some cash in the bank, that person instead, they are very attentionally collectible. So, um, if you fall into that category, then, um, you ought to consider what are several, like you said, vehicles or avenues, um, into which you can put your assets that are otherwise, um, untouchable, safeguarded from, um, injury claims. So, you know, there, there’s several types of vehicles, uh, to include, you know, IRAs, 401ks, these are like retirement plans. Those are usually protected.

Um, you have your, uh, properties, your real estate in Arizona. Um, the first $150,000 of your home is protected. So if you had equity in the North of 150,000 bucks, then that’s untouchable. This is called the homestead exemption in Nevada, for example, that’s significantly higher. It’s actually $550,000, but you have to record what’s called a declaration of homestead does not just automatic. You have to do something proactive to, um, to obtain that. And then in Utah, you know, it’s actually sizably smaller at only $42,000. That’s protected, but they also let you protect the first $5,000 of equity in any rental property. All right? Then you had like annuities and life policies Trust Attorney Las Vegas. Um, generally accreditor meaning if you had a judgment that gives the person can touch or get any beneficiary interest you have in a life insurance plan. So those aren’t terribly safe. Um, assets that are held in a trust and those are generally protected, so long as they are irrevocable and your vocable really just means that you are giving up, you’re giving up control of that asset.

Then you have stocks and bank accounts, you know, cars, cash under the mattress, toys, things like that. All of that is very liquidable and very up for grabs in an injury case. So those are just a few of them, the most common. Um, and um, knowing what those, what protections those do and don’t afford, you can start to create what would be your other ways, you know, asset protection plan. Um, but if you only use those types of um, vehicles, then you’re really missing out on what is, in my opinion, probably the safest way to do it. And that is just to make sure that you are properly insured. Don’t even let them get to your assets because you have enough insurance that stands between you and them, um, to cover the value of any injury that you might cause them. So any more, you know, an umbrella coverage which covers you basically for everything is actually relatively inexpensive. So it wouldn’t be unreasonable to think that you could get even $1 million in umbrella coverage for maybe three to 500 bucks a year, um, which, um, should be relatively manageable and it affords you a lot of protection. Yeah.

All right. One thing I’m I didn’t hear you talk about is, uh, business ownerships. Um, what’s that look like from a collectible standpoint? Is that, let’s say it’s a personal, um, uh, claim so that the person causes a car wreck under their, their personal vehicle, but they happen to own a business. Can you go after the, the, the assets that are in that business or the money that’s in there? What does that look like?

Yeah, so it depends. It always seems to be the lawyer’s answer. So if for example, you cause an accident while in the course and scope of doing your business or one in your employees does, so a working for you, then it becomes a little bit of a different story that becomes one where a commercial policy potentially is on the hook, right? So whether it’s you or an employee of yours, if you or they are working, um, at the time they cause an accident or whatever it is, then you should have a commercial policy that applies. And those, those policies are, are usually much larger just because, um, that’s, um, usually the way it is, you know, so it’s not uncommon to see a commercial policy with, uh, which would otherwise be bigger than just a personal auto policy. Right? So, so that’s one area where the business would be on the hook, right?

But again, assuming you have, um, enough insurance, then we don’t really need to get into the conversation of what did I was looks like if you don’t, however, um, there are several different types of business entities, as we all know. So there’s their sole proprietorships. There’s general partnerships, there’s limited liability companies, there’s limited liability partnerships, there’s corporations, all of which afford a different level of protection. Some don’t at all. Like a sole proprietorship doesn’t afford you any protection Trust Attorney Las Vegas. Um, limited liability companies, LLCs are probably the most common, um, business entity that are formed these days. And they do just that. They afford you limited liability, meaning that only those assets that are owned by the limited liability company, um, are up for grabs if and when the company is responsible for an injury. Right now there’s one caveat to that and that is where, for example, the limited liability company is not, it might be a limited liability company on its face to the outside world.

They present themselves as a company, but reality, it’s just a shield so to speak. And it’s a way that they’ve, um, organize themselves to just make it look like their business, but they’re really not. Right? So what we call this, when you, when you start digging into that and trying to determine whether we’re not their business should be afforded the liability protection, um, you, you do an analysis which basically is called a piercing the corporate veil. Meaning is this business really a business or is it just, uh, uh, basically bite title is it to the limited liability company? So there’s several things that you ought to consider with that. A business attorney would be the best to communicate with that. But just to give you a quick idea, you know, you absolutely would want to keep all of your business accounting separate from your personal accounting.

Um, one of the biggest things they look at too is how, um, funded is the business. Meaning does it couldn’t stand on its own two legs? And if it can’t, then is it really actually a business or is it just, you know, your personal little baby that you use as a business front? Okay. So, so there’s, there’s still a way for a really clever attorney to, to break through that limited liability protection. Um, but if you, if you do it right and if you set it up correctly and you fund it correctly and you do everything that you’re supposed to do with respect to what that company entity requires, having board meetings, things like that, if it’s a corporation, then it becomes tremendously more difficult to get anything other than what assets the business holds.

Okay. And then from the flip side, so let’s say it’s not work related at all, but you know, the business owner causes a wreck when they’re off the clock. And can you co go and get the assets that are in that LLC and bring them out to, to be part of that lawsuit? Or if it’s in the LLC, it’s there. They’re good in there.

Right? So the same analysis really applies. So let’s pretend like any business owner, I’m not working in the course and scope of my employment and I am responsible for an auto accident, right? My personal auto policy would go first, meaning whatever insurance I have on the vehicle that I caused the crash with would go first. Okay. If I’m smart, I have an umbrella policy and that Impala, that umbrella policy then covers me hopefully up to at least the value of the person’s injuries that I caused. Now the same analysis then happens thereafter. Well, if it’s not enough, do you have assets personal to you that I can, I can get, and if I know that you own a company, I think probably to myself that, well you’re probably a person of substance and you probably have some stuff, right? The same analysis as applies, which is well, does your limited liability company really, really afford the protection that you think of that is the limited liability company functioning in the way that the limited viability company should do you properly fund and maintain enough equity in that company?

For me not to be able to touch it. Do you keep your business and your personal accounting separate? Things like that. So now the analysis still very much applies. That’s why it’s still very important to run your company very, very separate than anything personal that you do. Because even if the company, so it was because I’m on the hook for the damages, right? The assets that may otherwise not be protected by the company because really the company’s not a company, but just an extension of your, um, of your personal person, then I can still grab those assets. Absolutely.

Yeah. And I, I know we’ve probably had some listeners kind of freaked out like, Oh shoot, what do I do? Is my business really protected me? As long as you are treating it like a business, basically don’t pay, you know, your kid’s college tuition out of your LLC fund. Like take the distribution, put it in your personal account and then pay it. You know, those, those are the types of things that you need to do. As long as you’re operating as a business, especially if you have partners, you’re going to do this anyways. You’re not going to be paying any personal things out of the business Trust Attorney Las Vegas. Um, then then you’re going to be protected. So I just wanted to clarify that. And then one other thing I just want to say to our listeners, we kind of jumped over this pretty quickly with trusts and um, you know, there’s two types of trust, pretty much two different categories we have revokable which means you can change it at any time and then you have irrevocable, which means you can’t change it and you have to give up control to get that protection.

So, uh, if you want to know the difference of that and how that can protect you, you know, that’s where you go talk to a good qualified estate planning attorney that, or even a business attorney that knows what they’re doing, that they can protect you from that. But most trusts, I’d say 90% of the trust you’re going to see are a revokable trust. And the purpose of that is to avoid probate court and to handle distributions. And so that’s not necessarily going to give you any liability protection. That’s a big misconception that I see over and over again. Now, I will say that if you leave assets in a trust to your kids and when you die, the trust becomes your vocable, then it does become protected. And so you brought up the point of life insurance where if they have a beneficial interest that you know, you as a collecting a a creditor’s claim there, you can get that beneficial interest will. If it pays out into a trust, that’s your vocable then they can’t. Is that true?

That’s true. Okay.

So I just wanted to clarify those things before we move on. So my next question, Trevor, is let’s flip it now. So let’s say, you know, I’m the person who gets in a car wreck or I’m the person who slips and falls. You know, what kind of things should I be doing after the injury or accident occurs? That helps me, um, to, to make sure that I have a good claim that I have the documentation necessary.

Yeah. Two things. Number one, do your very best to document what happened. Um, this often means getting the police involved just because they’re able to, um, create a record of what happened, whether it be a car accident, um, uh, you know, somebody attacked by a dog, anything like that. It’s always good to get them involved only because, um, to the extent that they write down what happened, it’s, it happens in, in real time, so to speak, that it’s harder to change one’s story if they’ve already committed to one version of the story, if that makes sense. So if I know, I know in Nevada for example, it’s a little challenging to get police officers to, to come out to routine fender-bender type crashes, which makes it a little bit challenging, I know to do that. But the way you offset that is just take pictures, um, do what you can to exchange information right then and there on the spot so you can then call your insurance companies and get them involved where a police officer might not otherwise come out and get statements.

And insurance companies certainly will want to, um, that’s fine in most circumstances. Um, so, so once you, once you have, um, documented best you can, what ultimately happened, then the next best thing for you to do obviously is then to get the medical treatment that you need and to get that documented and do it as quick as you can. The reason being is because the more time that between when the injury occurs and when you seek medical care that you otherwise really do need the more time between then and now the insurance companies love to poke holes in that and say, well, listen, if you were in a car accident, so to speak, but you waited two weeks to get into a doctor, you know, who’s to say that the neck pain you’re having now isn’t just because you slept on your neck funny yesterday.

Right? So I always suggest, um, to anybody who is injured to get the medical care you need as quick as you can for two reasons. It’s for your medical health, general health, right? And then two, it makes a record or a document that the injury and pain you’re suffering and having is related to the very thing that you’ll ultimately be claiming. It is related to later. Right. So I don’t, I don’t necessarily suggest that that means you have to scamper off real fast to the ER, whatever. Um, but that’s usually the best and quickest way to get in quickly. Um, if you can make an appointment with your primary care doctor, um, within a day or so, that’s, that’s good too. And obviously the injury itself will dictate. I don’t want you to wait, you know, three days to get into your primary care doctor if your, if your, if your legs broken, obviously.

Right. Um, so yeah. So those two things, number one, do your best to document what happens, get the police involved, um, if they’ll so comply, um, and obliged to do so. And then get the medical care you need as soon as you can. Get it. Number one for your general health so you can get better. And number two, so there’s not this, um, gap, so to speak between when the injury occurred and when you’re obtaining the treatment for it because, um, it just doesn’t look right sometimes when there’s, there’s too much time that passes because what could have happened otherwise in that time is really, you know, up to up to people to decide. But, um, I think that makes sense. Yeah.

Okay. And then, um, let’s talk a little bit about, um, uninsured motorist or underinsured motorist. What about, um, you know, cause I think most States don’t require you to have your own, um, you know, uninsured under insured or uninsured motorist coverage. So can you, can you explain what that is? If they have that coverage on their own personal policy and whether you think you know that that’s a good idea for people to have.

So it’s absolutely a great idea and anymore quite necessary. So with, with minimal liability policies, you know, hovering downwards of $15,000 like in Arizona, that means that the only money is sometimes available to you is going to be $15,000 and anymore one trip by an ambulance to an ER for a very legitimate, you know, head injury or you know, sprained risks that you think might be broken, you know, that gets gobbled up real quick. Right? Um, so if that’s all you’re left with as a result of an accident, then you are only next source of recovery. May well be whatever insurance you have on your own policy. Okay. And that’s when underinsured or uninsured motorist covers come into play. Under-insured is exactly as it sounds. If the person is under-insured, meaning they have $15,000 but your case is worth $50,000 they’re under-insured. They don’t have enough money to pay you the full value of your case.

Uninsured motorist coverage is when if for example, you are injured by somebody who doesn’t have insurance, they are uninsured. And then depending, obviously on the situation, one of those two types of coverage, underinsured or uninsured will kick in and compensate you up to the value of that policy, um, for your injuries. So they’re absolutely necessary, absolutely necessary. Um, there’s other types of coverage out there, one of which is called med pay or PIP coverage. Um, I have my own personal opinion ended up that I think if you had health insurance, I think it’s, um, something of a waste of a coverage. I don’t think you need it. Um, if you don’t have health insurance, it can help a little bit, but it’s, it’s relatively expensive for the worth that it provides you. It usually doesn’t come in any variable more than a thousand or $5,000. Um, and that’s to go to painting for, you know, medical expenses. That’s what it’s meant for. But if you have health insurance, it really doesn’t afford you all that much benefit. So, um, I don’t think it’s a bad thing to have, but I don’t think it really is all that beneficial to you to have. But under insured and uninsured motorist coverage are absolutely. Um, uh, beneficial to have. Yeah.

Awesome. Yeah, I think that I would, I would agree with that just because you never know what other people are going to have you, you know, there’s plenty of people driving around and who don’t have insurance. So I think, you know, if you can have that, that’s great. And then you can control the policy limits to a certain extent because you pick your coverage with that. And so you can say, Hey, look, I’m willing to take the risk of anything over $50,000, but I wanna at least have that minimum coverage there, or even a hundred thousand or 300,000, whatever it is. And so it’s something that you can kind of control, um, and it’s, it’s very easy to, to add that onto your policy.

All right. And I can get a get a real quick example too, if we’ve got the time real, real fast to let it know what ultimately could happen. So, you know, I had a client and um, and he was driving a scooter and somebody veered into his lane, knocking him off his scooter and really just destroyed him. His body, you know, broke. I don’t even remember. Probably, you know, I think he broke both legs. He broken arm, they broke a collarbone, something like that. Right. The person who caused the accident didn’t have any insurance and that person herself wasn’t collectible, um, at all. Um, I think she, she had like three, 400 bucks in the bank, but really somebody who just was not collectible. So there was basically $0 million coming from the person responsible for the crash. And then my client, um, didn’t have underinsured motorist coverage or uninsured motorist coverage, which would have applied in this case uninsured.

Right. Because the person who caused the crash didn’t have insurance. He didn’t have anything on his scooter, nor did he have any sort of other coverages that would have otherwise applied. And there’s a whole different thing we can talk about too. Um, but unfortunately, you know, as attorneys, we can’t just make, you know, uh, we just can’t make money appear. We can only give a money’s available. And what that meant for that person unfortunately was he got a big fat zero because there was just no money available as a result of this just terrible, terrible accident. And he could’ve offset that at least to some degree if he’d paid for and carried uninsured motorist coverage. Yeah.

So yeah, I’ll just put this since we, you know, trusted, we are all about, you know, having trusted professionals, I would put a plug in to say, make sure you have, uh, you know, your, uh, auto insurance agent knows what they’re doing. A lot of times you just go online. They’re just know you’re picking the cheapest price, but you don’t know realize that you’re cutting out that under insured or uninsured motorist, um, coverage to get that lower price. And so you want to talk with somebody, make sure you’re getting the carbons you need. Yeah. And you might pay 20 bucks more a month, but if that situation happens to you and you get $50,000, when you would’ve got zero, you know, I’m sure that guy would have taken it, you know, any day that’s a great investment on his part. So that’s a plugin for trusted professionals that way. Now I want to talk about trusted, uh, uh, personal injury attorney. So Trevor, what kind of things, uh, or red flags or others, things that people can look for if they’re trying to find a personal injury attorney in there outside of Arizona. So they can’t use you. Um, you know, what type of things sets apart a good personal injury attorney and makes them somebody who they can trust.

So anymore personal injury lawyers are a dime a dozen. It’s not hard to find a personal injury lawyer. Just, just look up in any billboard or you find any more. It seems like, you know, every other billboard. Um, it’s a personal injury lawyer, so they’re not hard to find. Now that said, even though they’re not hard to find, it’s not terribly easy to find a good one. Right? Everyone knows what they’re doing to a certain extent. Right? Um, but the discrepancy between a very knowledgeable personal injury lawyer and one who instead just kind of knows the basics and can get through it, um, is the gap is pretty wide. So, so if there a hundred personal injury lawyers in the room, I would say maybe 30 of them really, really, really knew what they were doing. And then I would say maybe of those 30, I would say 10, 10 have had this success and the uh, and have built the reputation amongst the insurance companies and with other attorneys, defense attorneys in particular where they have some clout or they have some, um, added benefit just by being who they are and just by what they’ve accomplished.

Right? So, so when you’re, when you’re looking for personal injury lawyers, it’s real easy just to call the first person you see on a billboard. Um, but a lot of those who kind of live above, um, clouds so to speak. And we, um, we, we run a different type of operation. Um, we usually get our cases by way of referral or word of mouth because we’ve either had happy clients or we’ve actually even at times, um, had cases referred to us from insurance, um, adjusters who we’ve previously worked with because they knew we did a good job. Um, or you get cases by, you know, a, a previous client who was really happy, um, and got a great result. And they have a friend or a family member that ultimately needs some help. And, and those, those are the types of attorneys you’re wanting to look for.

Those that don’t, you know, necessarily, um, need to put their name out there. Their reputation speaks for themselves and the results afford them ongoing business. So it’s actually not, not the easiest thing to do, but you can kind of get a good sense, um, when you meet with them and you talk with them. And that might be the first big red flag is if you don’t talk to an attorney. I mean, if we’re having steaks, a lot of these, um, uh, shops that are personal injury firms have a one lawyer for every, you know, 30 assistants and that one lawyer does very little and it’s actually really quite difficult to even communicate or talk with them. Right. So if you can’t talk with an attorney, I would, I would steer clear of that, um, arrangement. Um, the attorneys should really be an email and a phone call away. And if it’s any harder than that, then, you know, you’re kind of just, um, cattle and the cattle call. Um, uh, in a, in a, in a Fern that just, uh, probably doesn’t have your best interest at heart and somebody who, uh, there’s somebody out there that could be you much, much better. Yeah.

So I know you’ve used this analogy with me before. I, I’ve, I’ve called it a churn and burn burn shops. You know, you, you’ve compared it to, you know, those guys are kind of like McDonald’s, they have a system in place, they just churn out, you know, cheap, cheap hamburger after cheap hamburger. And you compare that to like, like you know, a local joint that has the best burger you’ve ever tasted. When it’s hard to locate McDonald’s is advertising everywhere versus the smaller place. Um, but how much better is it when you go find that great, uh, great burger and it’s super juicy and all that versus your McDonald’s, it’s just turn ’em out. You know, it’s fake stuff. It processed all that stuff. And I’ve even had conversations with um, you know, insurance companies for other things and talking to them about personal injury matters and they say, Oh yeah, if a certain, um, law firm, we won’t, we won’t say names here, but they happen to have big offices throughout the country calls.

I give them the lowest offer and they accept it every time no matter what. Just because they’re trying to turn it out. Versus if it’s somebody like you or another trusted estate or a trusted personal injury attorney, you’re, they’re going to take the time to go through, make sure they have a valid claim, have all the details there. And that same insurance agent says, yeah, when they present something. I know the claims a lot better. So I’m going to have to do my homework and I’m going to present them a much higher settlement offer just from the beginning because of who that person is versus you know, these big law firms that are churning and burning. So that’s just, you know, a small gap in or, or, or peek into that window of, of what goes on there. And so I just want to put in a plug for Trevor.

He’s been a personal friend for many years, also known him on a business level and you know, him and his firm, they do great, great work taking care of their clients. So if you have any personal injury needs and you happen to be in Arizona, you know, he can help you out and if you need to get in contact with them, you can contact us. We’ll, we’ll put you in trust with, in touch with Trevor. And if you’re here in Nevada, we also have other great contacts for you that way. So Trevor, before we end the show, is there anything else pressing that you feel like our listeners really need to know as far as the personal injury world?

You know, I would just say run to your insurance policy right now. See if you have underinsured motorist coverage or uninsured motorist coverage to be, don’t make it a priority to get it, call your agent and ask him how much is going to be and put it on there. And uh, that would be my only plug for today. If you could do one thing, uh, to further protect yourself, it would be that. And then on the flip side, um, with respect to protecting yourself in the case that you are responsible for something, um, call your insurance agent for both your auto policy and your homeowners policy anymore. They’re often one and the same as people combined, but then ask them also that an umbrella policy. So if you could do one thing today that would make your life more secure, it would be to get under insured and uninsured motorist coverage and to get an umbrella policy.

Yeah, that’s first step. And then if you have other, other issues that you’re concerned about, that’s where you go talk to an attorney about you, what other things you can do to protect yourself. Cause sometimes it makes sense to do that, go beyond that. But I really appreciate that that’s, that’s the minimum step you need to do. And I think it’s good for, for everybody. So with that, I want to thank Trevor for being on the show and as always, if you can like, subscribe and review us, we’d greatly appreciate it so we know what you’re liking about the show, what things or other topics we could cover in the future. So, uh, and then we’ll have some of those in the upcoming episode. So thank you Trevor once again for being with us today. Thanks again, Blake. All right. Thank you everybody for listening with Trust Attorney Las Vegas. We’ll talk to you next time.